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专题03 阅读理解——推理判断题 名师揭秘-2019年高考英语高频考点名师揭秘与仿真测试 Word版含解析
【考点解读】 一、命题方式 推理判断是指在理解原文字面意义的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。主要考查考生理清上下文逻辑关系的能力以及考生的识别能力。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可能是某几句话,要求考生在遵循原文意义的基础上,对文章字面信息进行分析、挖掘、逻辑推理,揭示其深层含义。 推理判断题的命题区间往往出现在以下几个方面: ◆文章或者段落的首尾部分。这一部分往往会引出文章的主题,总结全文或者全段内容,通常也会设计推理判断题; ◆引言部分。议论文或者说明文中作者经常引用他人语言来支撑自己的观点,引用的内容可能从正面或者反面来支持作者的观点,引文的字里行间隐含的渗透的内容往往也是命题人设题的依据; ◆结论建议处。命题人往往在文章中出现the study suggests, the research indicates, the report shows 等类似结论、建议性表达方式时,此处通常是文章中提到的研究结果或者报告的结论,命题人往往在此设置推理判断题 ◆表达观点态度处。在作者表达观点态度的地方往往设置推理判断题。文中出现doubt, appreciate, hate, prefer ,against等表达观点态度的部分,以及一些带有感情色彩的特殊句式,例如感叹句、反问句等。 1. 细节推断 细节推断要求考生根据文章内容,推断具体的细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生要把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,然后作出判断。题干中常出现infer(推断),indicate(象征,暗示),imply(暗示),suggest(暗示),conclude(作出结论),assume(假定,设想)等词。主要设题方式有: What can be inferred from the passage? What does the author strongly suggest? What can be concluded from the passage? What does the writer imply but not directly state? What does the writer/author indicate/imply/suggest? The writer talked about. .. Why did he think so? 1. 写作意图推断 写作意图推断要求考生根据文章的论述,揣测作者的写作意图和写作手法。作者一般不直接陈述自己的意图,而是通过文章所提供的事实,客观地使读者信服某种想法或观点。这就要求考生不但要理解文章的主旨大意,而且要具备对作者阐述问题的方法进行归纳总结和分析的能力主要设题方式有: What is the main purpose of the author writing the text? What is the purpose of the text ? What does the writer of the story want to tell us? What is the fact... mentioned by the author to show? What is the purpose for the author to write the last paragraph? 作者写文章的目的通常有三类(灵活借鉴应用): (1) to entertain readers(使读者愉悦、发笑): 常见于个人经历或故事类的文章。 (2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点):常见于广告或议论文。广告是作者要推销一种产品或一种服务:吸引更多的游客﹑读者或订户﹑观众等。议论文是为了说服读者接受或赞同某一观点。 (3)to inform readers (告知读者某些信息): 多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类的文章, 以及劝告性或建议性的文章。弄清其写作目的, 需要找准主题句, 把握文章主旨。 2. 观点态度推断 观点态度推断题考查考生是否了解文章作者或者文中人物对某事物所持的观点或者态度。这就要求考生在正确理解文章大意的基础上,对观点或者态度倾向进行分析、识 别,关注作者对人物心理或者细节的描写,对文章所交代的人或者事情进行评判。主要设题方式有: What is the attitude of the author towards sth.? What does the writer of the passage seem to think? What's the author's opinion on... ? What do we know about sb. in the passage? What can sb. be said? What does the author think about... ? 1. 文章来源和读者对象推断 推测文章的来源或者读者对象要求读者本身要具备一定的常识,这样文章的内容才能与读者本身具备的常识结合起来。比如读者本身要对报纸、杂志、网络、科普、 小说、广告、说明书、旅游指南等有基本的了解,这样才能根据文章的特点对号人座,选出正确的答案。举几个例子: 1)报纸前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。 2)广告因其用词和格式特殊,客易辨认。3).产品说明器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知服用 。需要指出的是:有时命题者为了增加试题的难度,特殊的格式或日期可能不出现,这时需要根据文章的题材内容进行推断。如果内客是发布新闻,最可能是出现在报纸上;如果是科普读物,可能是出自科普杂志上。 主要设题方式有: Where would this passage be most likely to be found? Where is the passage probably taken out? Where does this text probably come from? Which section of a magazine is this passage probably taken from? What is the text intended for? 5.推理判断题选项特点 (1)正确选项特点: ◆是"弦外之音°。是立足原文推断出来的内容,不是直接叙述的具体信息; ◆没有绝对概念的字眼,如only, never, all absolutely 等。因为的推断出来的内容,略有模糊成分,留有余地,通常含有 usually. may, some, might. can,possibly 等同汇. (2)干拢选项特点 : ◆张冠李戴。使用了原文出现的词汇或者句式。但不是本题的内容; ◆颠倒是非。选项内容涉及了原文中提及的内容,但是选项意思与之恰恰相反; ◆无中生有。这类选项往往是基本的生活常识,观点是正确的,但不是本文表示的内容; ◆扩缩范围。原文中可能出现了almost, all, nearly, more than, normally, usually等词语对文章内容加以限制,干扰选项改变了原文范围; ◆曲解文意。根据文章某一句话或者利用了里面的字间设计出选项,看似表达了文章的意思,实际上是借题发挥,曲解了文章原意。 二、技巧点拨 1. 领悟隐含意义 “既要理解字面意思,也要理解深层含义。”这是高考对阅读理解能力测试的一项重要内容。由于某种原因,有的文章作者不能鲜明地表达自己的观点,而将其隐含在字里行间,流露于修辞手法之中。这类题要求考生对作者这种没有明确说明的事实信息和思想倾向做出合理的推断。读懂这种“言外之意,弦外之音”要求考生具有无障碍的阅读能力,"锣鼓听音"的敏锐感觉,合理推断的思维品质。做题的关键是根据题干要求,在原文中找到相关信息,并依此进行推理。 2. 理清文章脉络 这类题旨在测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局做出合理的推断,或根据作者所阐述的观点或理论,对文章未涉及的现象或事例给以解释。 考生首先要仔细阅读短文,充分了解信息,才能弄清文章结构,理清文章脉络。在做出推理判断时,考生一定要依据短文内容或作者的观点,切忌主观臆断,切忌以自己的观点取代作者的原意。 3. 抓住作者的态度和观点 做此类题目必须通过作者的用词及叙述口吻等去理解。作者的态度和观点无非就是三种(1)支持、赞同、乐观;(2)反对、批评、怀疑、悲观;(3)中立、客观。作者的态度和观点常用一些形容词、副词和不定意义的动词来表达,如possible, impossible, seem. strange。此题需要注意的是一定要理清作者所列举的事例与其观点、态度是一致的还是相反的。在议论文中,作者的观点态度常在末段出现,但有些文章作者的观点态度隐含在文章的字里行间,需要通读全文,才能作出正确的判断。熟悉一些常见的有关作者情感、态度的词语: 褒义词:supportive(支持的);positive(积极的)optimistic(乐观的)enthusiastic(热情的)等。 贬义词:negative(否定的,消极的)ironic(讽刺的)critical(批评的)disgusted(厌恶的)disappointed(失望的)等。 中性词:indifferent(漠不关心的)uninterested(不感兴趣的);objective(客观的) neutral中立的)等。 【真题分析】 【2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标II卷C篇】 Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday. While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children’s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading. According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion (比例) who say they ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.” The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 2—8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.zxx.k When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time. The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read. As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore. 28. What is the Common Sense Media report probably about? A. Children’s reading habits. B. Quality of children’s books. C. Children’s after-class activities. D. Parent-child relationships. 29. Where can you find the data that best supports "children are reading a lot less for fun"? A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3. C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5. 30. Why do many parents limit electronic reading? A. E-books are of poor quality. B. It could be a waste of time. C. It may harm children’s health. D. E-readers are expensive. 【文章大意】 据本周一公布的a Common Sense Media report报告显示,青少年和年幼的孩子们读书的乐趣大大减少。文中从阅读的乐趣,阅读的时间,阅读方式和父母对孩子阅读的影响等角度展示了该报告的内容。 【答案与解析】 30. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段最后一句many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time可知,许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是由于担心看一些电子屏幕的时间越来越多,也即是担心会伤害孩子们的健康。故选C。 【名师点睛】 作此类型的题时,一定要读懂第一段。第一段读懂了,整篇文章大意也就迎刃而解了。明白了大意,第28题我们也不难看出答案,本文讲的肯定不是质量,不是活动也不是关系。而是习惯,即孩子们的阅读习惯。 【2018年6月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)C篇】 As cultural symbols go, the American car is quite young. The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago, with the first rolling off the assembly line(装配线) on September 27, 1908. Only eleven cars were produced the next month. But eventually Henry Ford would build fifteen million of them. Modern America was born on the road, behind a wheel. The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger. For most of the last century, the car represented what it meant to be American—going forward at high speed to find new worlds. The road novel, the road movie, these are the most typical American ideas, born of abundant petrol, cheap cars and a never-ending interstate highway system, the largest public works project in history. In 1928 Herbert Hoover imagined an America with “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” Since then, this society has moved onward, never looking back, as the car transformed America from a farm-based society into an industrial The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster. In America the demand for oil has grown by 22 percent since 1990. The problems of excessive(过度的) energy consumption, climate change and population growth have been described in a book by the American writer Thomas L. Friedman. He fears the worst, but hopes for the best. Friedman points out that the green economy(经济) is a chance to keep American strength. “The ability to design, build and export green technologies for producing clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century.” 28. Why is hamburger mentioned in paragraph 2? A. To explain Americans’ love for travelling by car. B. To show the influence of cars on American culture. C. To stress the popularity of fast food with Americans. D. To praise the effectiveness of America’s road system. 29. What has the use of cars in America led to? A. Decline of economy. B. Environmental problems. C. A shortage of oil supply. D. A farm-based society. 30. What is Friedman’s attitude towards America’s future? A. Ambiguous. B. Doubtful. C. Hopeful. D. Tolerant. 【文章大意】 文章讲述了汽车在美国经济和文化上的重要作用,也指出了汽车带来的环境问题。 【答案与解析】 30. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的He fears the worst, but hopes for the best.和最后一段中的Friedman points out that the green economy(经济) is a chance to keep American strength.可见,Friedman虽然对未来担心,但抱有最好的希望,他指出了发展绿色经济是保持美国实力的一个机会的想法。可见Friedman对未来是充满希望的,故选C。 查看更多