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‎2019届一轮复习必修4Unit12Culture shock单元学案设计 ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.核心词汇 ‎①________ vt.兑换,交换 ‎②________ n.礼貌 ‎③________ n.请求 ‎④________ vt.欠(情、债等)‎ ‎⑤________ vt.理解;掌握;吸收 ‎⑥________ vt.喜欢,依恋;系,固定 ‎⑦________ vi.低语,耳语 ‎⑧________ vt.携带;容忍 ‎⑨apology n.道歉,认错________ v.道歉,谢罪 ‎⑩expect vt.期待,预料;指望________ adj.预期的,预料的________ n.期待的事物;预期 ‎⑪familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的 ________ adv.熟悉地,常见地 ‎⑫addition n.相加;增加物________ adj.补充的,额外的,附加的 ‎⑬major adj.主要的 vi.主修________ n.大半,大多数 ‎⑭reason n.理由v.推论;劝说;理解________ adj.合理的,正当的________ adv.合理地;相当地 ‎⑮move v.移动;感动________ adj.可移动的________ adj.令人感动的________ adj.感动的 ‎⑯curious adj.好奇的________ adv.好奇地;奇怪地________ n.好奇心 ‎⑰formal adj.正式的________ adj.非正式的 ‎⑱arrive vi.到达________ n.到达,抵达 ‎⑲caution n.小心,谨慎________ adj.小心翼翼的,谨慎的 ‎⑳injure vt.伤害________ n.伤害,损害________ adj.受伤的 educate vt.教育________ n.教育者________ n.教育________ adj.有教养的 belong vi.属于;适应________ n.所有物;财产 答案 ①exchange ②manners ③request ④owe ⑤absorb ⑥attach ⑦whisper ⑧bear ⑨apologize ⑩expected;expectation ⑪familiarly ⑫additional ⑬majority ⑭reasonable;reasonably ⑮movable;moving;moved ‎⑯curiously;curiosity ⑰informal ⑱arrival ⑲cautious ⑳injury;injured educator;education;educated belongings ‎2.常考词汇 ‎①physician n.________‎ ‎②manners n.________‎ ‎③modest adj.________‎ ‎④indicate vt.________‎ ‎⑤splendid adj.________‎ ‎⑥dessert n.________‎ ‎⑦appetite n.________‎ ‎⑧conduct vt.________‎ ‎⑨literature n.________‎ ‎⑩preview n.________‎ 答案 ①内科医生 ②礼貌 ③谦虚的;适度的 ④表明;表示 ⑤极佳的,非常好的;壮观的 ⑥(正餐最后的)甜食,甜点心 ⑦食欲,胃口 ⑧指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏);实施 ⑨文学 ⑩预告;预展,预演 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.However,when something did interest me,I could become ________ (absorb).(2016·北京卷·阅读A)‎ ‎2.Would you please spare some time to read through the materials ________(attach)?(2016·全国Ⅰ,满分作文)‎ ‎3.The season runs June through August,with ________ (addition)performances in March and September.(2016·全国Ⅲ,阅读A)‎ ‎4.She packed her few ________(belong) and left.‎ ‎5.Many people are not ________(familiarly) with the taxation laws.Nor am I.‎ ‎6.If I have made any mistakes,I’m ready to ________(apology).‎ ‎7.It’s the journey,not the ________ (arrive),that counts.(2015·天津,阅读表达)‎ ‎8.A gentleman with good ________(manner) will be respected by others.‎ ‎9.Her husband is ________(caution),never making a swift decision about anything.‎ ‎10.The boy is ________ watching what the old man is doing in the garden and shows great ________ about what is going on in nature.(curious)‎ ‎11.Three people were killed and five were ________(injure)in the crash.‎ ‎12.The teachers there taught so well that I received a good ________(educate).‎ ‎13.Her advice sounds ________(reason) and we should take it into consideration.‎ 答案 1.absorbed 2.attached 3.additional 4.belongings 5.familiar 6.apologize 7.arrival 8.manners 9.cautious 10.curiously;curiosity 11.injured 12.education 13.reasonable ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶由request想到的 一坚持(insist)‎ 二命令(order,command)‎ 三建议(advise,suggest,propose)‎ 四要求(demand,require,request,desire)‎ 后面可以跟名词性从句,从句用虚拟语气,即其谓语部分用“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略。‎ ‎❷与belongings构成类似的名词 ‎①savings 积蓄 ‎②earnings 工资 ‎③surroundings 环境 ‎④findings 调查 ‎⑤greetings 问候的话 ‎❸“说”之种种 ‎①insist 坚持说;固执己见 ‎②joke 开玩笑地说;说着玩 ‎③add 继续说;补充说 ‎④complain 抱怨说 ‎⑤go on 接着说;继续说 ‎⑥warn 警告说;提醒说 ‎⑦come on 说吧 ‎⑧whisper 低声说;私下说 ‎❹“伤害”动词小聚 ‎①injure伤害 ‎②wound伤害 ‎③hurt伤害 ‎④damage损害 ‎⑤harm伤害 ‎❺盘点in-前缀单词 ‎①inability n.无能;无力 ‎②incomplete adj.不完整的 ‎③inconvenience n.不便;麻烦 ‎④incredible adj.难以置信的 ‎⑤independent adj.独立的 ‎⑥informal adj.非正式的 开心词场→核心单词串记 It is familiar that being modest and cautious is good manners.It is also a good virtue to make reasonable request,forgive others and make an apology.However,contrary to our expectation,customs abroad are different.‎ Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.动词+介词/副词 ‎①see...________给(某人)送行 ‎②belong ________属于 ‎③insist ________坚持,坚决要求 ‎④stare ________盯着看;凝视 ‎⑤sound ________听起来像 答案 ①off ②to ③on ④at ⑤like ‎2.动词+过去分词+介词 ‎①get used ________习惯于 ‎②be attached ________附属于 答案 ①to ②to ‎3.动词+a+名词 ‎①give...a ________给……搭车,搭便车 ‎②put/bring an ________ to结束 答案 ①lift ②end ‎4.介词+名词 ‎①________ poor condition状况不好 ‎②________ least至少 答案 ①in ②at ‎5.其他形式 ‎①be sensitive ________对……敏感 ‎②contrary ________与……相反 ‎③loads ________许多,大量 答案 ①to ②to ③of 用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 ‎1.And if we’re going to ____________ world hunger,all of us are going to have to interact in new ways.‎ ‎2.The young man ____________ being sent to where he was most needed.‎ ‎3.I found the job tiring at first but I soon ____________ it.‎ ‎4.After Tom ____________ Frank ____________ at the bus station,he went to the post office to post the letter.‎ ‎5.I’m going your way so I can ____________ you ____________.‎ ‎6.This hospital ____________ the medical college nearby.‎ ‎7.I never ____________ a woman for more than 3 seconds.‎ 答案 1.bring/put an end to 2.insisted on 3.got used to 4.saw;off 5.give;a lift 6.is attached to 7.stare at ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶see短语荟萃 ‎①see through sb/sth 看透,识破;把某事做完 ‎②see to 照料;注意;处理 ‎③see to it that...确保/保证……‎ ‎④seeing that...因为,由于,鉴于 ‎⑤see...off 给……送行 ‎❷“坚持”词汇集锦 ‎①insist on ‎②stick to ‎③persist ‎ ‎④insist ‎⑤persevere ‎⑥hold on Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟 ‎1.Decide where to go on holiday with a friend.‎ 定好和朋友到哪儿去度假。‎ ‎2.When I first arrived in San Francisco,I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.‎ 刚到旧金山的时候,我感到很难理解美国人的处事方式。‎ ‎3.I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.‎ 上次我到中国参观时也有同样的经历。‎ 句型公式仿写 ‎1.“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构 There was a time when I didn’t know ________________ my classmates.‎ 曾有一段时间,我不知道如何与同学相处。‎ ‎2.have a difficult time (in) doing sth“有一段较为困难的时光”‎ After you take a break,do you ________________ back to work?‎ 在你休息后,你回到工作状态会感到困难吗?‎ ‎3.the last time“上次……的时候”,引导时间状语从句 I was attracted by the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang___________________.‎ 上次我游黄山时被它的美景迷住了。‎ 答案 1.how to get along/on with 2.have a difficult time going 3.the last time I visited it ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构 ‎(1)wh-疑问词后跟动词不定式构成的短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语,还可以作定语。(why和if后不能直接跟动词不定式)‎ ‎(2)在“特殊疑问代词+不定式”结构中,不定式往往与前面的疑问代词构成动宾关系,不定式结构用主动语态。‎ ‎(3)此类不定式短语作定语时,通常仅限于“介词+which+不定式”结构。‎ ‎[单 词 点 睛]‎ 高考必备词汇——精讲精练 ‎1.owe vt.欠(情、债等);归功于 ‎[教材原句]I certainly owe you an apology for not writing more often.‎ 没有多给你写信我真的非常抱歉。‎ owe sb sth=owe sth to sb欠某人某物 owe...to...把……归功于;归因于 owing to因为;由于 owe it to sb that...多亏了某人 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①He owes his good health ________ plenty of exercise and a regular life.‎ ‎②He owes ________ to his doctor’s care that he is quite well again.‎ ‎③________________,the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.‎ 由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。‎ 答案 ①to ②it ③Owing to the bad weather ‎2.absorb vt.吸收;理解;使专心;使全神贯注 ‎[高考佳句]A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was absorbed in his reading.(2015·福建,书面表达)‎ 一缕弱光通过一个在墙上的小孔进来,他全神贯注于阅读。‎ ‎(1)absorb sb’s attention to(doing) sth吸引某人对(做) ……的注意力 absorb...into...把……吸入/并入……‎ ‎(2)be absorbed by sth/sb被……吞并,为……所吸收 be absorbed in(doing) sth全神贯注于……,一心从事……,热衷于……‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①________(absorb)in work,he sometimes forgot even to take his meal.‎ ‎②The programme Happy Camp was totally ________(absorb) my attention.‎ 答案 ①Absorbed ②absorbing ‎【巧学助记】‎ ‎[联想发散]be absorbed in (doing) sth结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式absorbed in...。类似的结构还有:‎ ‎①be lost in...陷入……;专心致志于……‎ ‎②be caught in...被困在……‎ ‎③be buried in...埋头于……‎ ‎④be devoted to...致力于……;专心于……‎ ‎⑤be occupied in...忙于……‎ ‎⑥be involved in...专注于……‎ ‎3.majority n.大多数;大半 ‎[高考佳句]The majority of them take an online language test before starting their programme.(2016·天津,阅读 A)‎ 开始他们的学习项目之前,其中大多数人参加在线语言考试。‎ ‎(1)a/the majority of ……的大多数 ‎(2)major adj.主要的;主修的 vi.主修 major in主修……‎ ‎(3)minority n.少数 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①An agreement seems to be impossible because ________________ the committee members are against it.‎ 达成协议似乎是不可能的,因为大部分的委员会成员反对该提议。‎ ‎【名师指津】 ‎ ‎(1)a/the majority of+名词作主语时,其后的谓语动词的单复数取决于of后的名词。‎ ‎(2)the majority作主语时,谓语动词既可以用复数,也可以用单数。‎ ‎②One-third of the country ________covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ________ black people.(be)‎ 答案 ①the majority of ②is;are ‎4.request vt.&n.请求;要求 ‎[高考佳句]You can talk to the robot,ask it questions,and make requests for it to perform different tasks.(2015·天津,阅读B)‎ 你可以跟机器人说话,问它问题,要求它来完成不同的任务。‎ ‎(1)make a request for...请求,要求……‎ at sb’s request=at the request of sb 应某人之要求 ‎(2)request sb(not) to do sth请求某人(不)做某事 request sth from/of sb向某人请求某物 request(that)...请求……‎ It is/was requested that...据要求……‎ 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①The performance was repeated ________ the request of the audience.‎ ‎②________ is requested that the students(should) get to school before eight o’clock.‎ ‎③They requested us not to smoke in the restaurant.‎ ‎=They requested that we ________________ in the restaurant.‎ 他们要求我们不要在餐馆里吸烟。‎ 答案 ①at ②It ③(should)not smoke ‎【名师指津】 request后跟宾语从句,同位语从句或用于“It is/was requested that...”句型中时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,形式为“should+do”,should可以省略。‎ ‎5.attach vt.系,固定;附上,贴上;喜欢,依恋 ‎[教材原句]At first,we didn’t feel we belong here,but now we are attached to the land we live on.‎ 起初,我们认为自己并不属于这里,但是现在我们已与我们所居住的土地紧紧地联系在一起了。‎ ‎(1)attach...to...把……固定到/附/贴在……上 attach importance/significance/value to认为……重要/有意义/有价值 attach oneself to sb与某人在一起;缠着某人 ‎(2)attached adj.依恋的;附加的 ‎(be) attached to附属于;依恋 单句改错/写作运用 ‎①The middle school attaching to Beijing Normal University is well-known across the country.‎ ‎②My parents always ________________ my getting a good education.(2014·天津,9)‎ 我的父母一直非常重视让我接受良好的教育。‎ 答案 ①attaching→attached ②attach great importance to 常考必会词汇——理解辨认 ‎1.exchange vt.兑换,交换 n.兑换,交换 ‎[高考佳句]It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program,which has benefited all of us.(2016·天津,书面表达)‎ 因为交流活动自从你来到我们学校已经有两个星期了,这让我们都受益匪浅。‎ 单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 ‎①It’s believed that God offers to exchange what he has ________ what we have.‎ ‎②I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in the exchange for a week’s holiday.‎ ‎③We students should often ________________,who are rich in experience,and above all,love us most in the world.(2013·重庆,写作)‎ 我们学生应该经常和父母交换意见,他们经验丰富,而且最重要的是,在这个世界上他们是最爱我们的人。‎ 答案 ①for ②去掉the ③exchange ideas with our parents ‎2.familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的 ‎[教材原句]Jin Li found the American way of life familiar soon after her arrival in the USA.‎ 金丽到达美国后不久,她就发现美国人的生活方式对她来说很熟悉。‎ 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①Although the dragon is quite familiar ________ most Chinese,nobody has ever seen a real one.‎ ‎②I believe these donated books will not only ________________ China but help enhance your Chinese.(2015·天津,书面表达)‎ 我认为这些捐赠的书不仅能使你更熟悉中国,而且有助于提高你的汉语。‎ 答案 ①to ②make you more familiar with ‎3.bear vi.& vt.(bore,borne/born)携带,容忍;忍受;承担(责任);支撑;承受;生育;出生;结(果实)‎ ‎[教材原句]I can’t bear the way the native Australians have been treated.‎ 我不能忍受对待澳大利亚土著人的方式。‎ ‎【巧学助记】‎ 写出下列句中bear的含义 ‎①It would be unjust for him to bear personally the great expenses.‎ ‎②I can’t bear young people casting away their youth.‎ ‎③This beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor.‎ ‎④Some of the new-planted apple orchards have also begun to bear.‎ ‎⑤The stress must have been enormous but she bore it well.‎ 答案 ①承担 ②忍受 ③支撑 ④结果 ⑤承受 ‎ ‎[短 语 点 拨]‎ ‎1.get used to习惯于 ‎[教材原句]You’re going to have to get used to bacon and eggs with a few slices of toast for breakfast over here,Aunt Mei!‎ 梅姨,你必须得适应这里腌肉、鸡蛋加几片烤面包的早餐!‎ ‎(1)be/become/grow/get used to (doing)sth ‎=be/become/grow/get accustomed to (doing) sth习惯于(做)某事 ‎(2)be used to do sth被用来做某事 ‎(3)used to do sth过去常常做某事(暗示现在已经不做了)‎ 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①When he was young,he used ________(go) there on foot.Now he has got used to ________(go)there by bike,though his bike is used ________(pick) up his grandson sometimes.‎ ‎②The foreign student could not get used to eat the strange food.‎ 答案 ①to go;going;to pick ②eat→eating ‎2.see...off 给……送行 ‎[教材原句]He insisted on walking me to the station to see me off.‎ 他坚持陪我走到车站送我。‎ see through sb/sth看透,识破;做完(某项工作)‎ see to sb/sth照料;注意;处理 see to it that...确保/保证……‎ seeing that...因为,由于,鉴于 单句语法填空 ‎①Will you see ________ the arrangements for the next meeting?‎ ‎②Can you see to ________ that the e-mail goes this afternoon?‎ ‎③________(see)that he was hard-working,the manager gave him a pay rise.‎ 答案 ①to ②it ③Seeing ‎[句 式 透 析]‎ ‎1.Decide where to go on holiday with a friend.‎ 定好和朋友到哪儿去度假。‎ ‎(1)句中where to go on holiday...为“特殊疑问副词+不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。特殊疑问词后跟动词不定式构成的短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语,还可以作定语。(why和if后不能直接跟动词不定式)‎ 写作运用 ‎①________________________ is still a question.‎ 这些工人之间如何分工仍是个问题。(作主语)‎ ‎②He has no idea of ________________.‎ 他不知道怎样回答这个问题。(作宾语)‎ ‎(2)在“特殊疑问代词+不定式”结构中,不定式往往与前面的疑问代词构成动宾关系,不定式结构用主动语态。‎ ‎③I don’t know ________________.‎ 我不知道这件事该怎么办。 (作宾语)‎ ‎(3)此类不定式短语作定语时,通常仅限于“介词+which+不定式”结构。‎ ‎④He told his mother that he needed ten dollars ________________________.‎ 他对他妈妈说,他需要10美元买一本新字典。 (作定语) ‎ 答案 ①How to divide labor among the workers ‎②how to answer this question ③what to do with it ④with which to buy a new dictionary ‎2.I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.‎ 上次我到中国参观时也有同样的经历。‎ 此句是表示时间的名词短语the last time引导的时间状语从句。‎ 写作运用 ‎①________________ I saw Kate,she was doing research on wild animals.‎ 我最后一次见到凯特时,她正在研究野生动物。‎ ‎(1)名词词组作连词,引导时间状语从句的还有:‎ the first time,each time,any time,next time,the moment,the second,the minute,the instant,the hour,the day等。‎ ‎②________________ he got out of the airport,the pop star was surrounded by his fans.‎ 这位著名的歌星一出飞机场,就被歌迷围了起来。‎ ‎(2)有些副词或介词短语也可以充当时间状语从句的引导词。‎ immediately/directly/instantly一……就……‎ by the time...到……时 ‎③________________ he arrived at the classroom,he began to study.‎ 他一到教室就开始学习。‎ 答案 ①The last time ②The moment ③Immediately 课堂作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The mountain village I visited last week is made up of 30 families ________(belong) to five nationalities.‎ ‎2.I owe ________ to you that I made such rapid progress in my spoken English.‎ ‎3.I found him sitting in his chair,completely ________(absorb) in a magazine.‎ ‎4.He is considering selling the old house that belongs ________ his grandparents and using the money to start a business of his own.‎ ‎5.________(smoke) too much,he has suffered from lung cancer.‎ ‎6.The song is very familiar ________ us,and we are very familiar ________ its singer.‎ ‎7.The research center founded 50 years ago is attached ________ a famous university.‎ ‎8.I avoid ________ (meet) him,because I don’t like him.‎ ‎9.If you become rich,you have a difficult time ________ (know) who your real friends are.‎ ‎10.The question we have to face is how ________(cross) the river.‎ ‎11.He couldn’t bear ________(lose) the money for which he had risked his life.‎ ‎12.I request that you ________ (attend) the meeting on time.‎ 答案 1.belonging 2.it 3.absorbed 4.to 5.Having smoked 6.to;with 7.to 8.meeting 9.knowing 10.to cross 11.losing/to lose 12.(should) attend Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.I really hope that the boy can soon be used to live in the mountain village after he gets there.‎ ‎2.A majority of the water we use every day are ground-water.‎ ‎3.Absorbing in watching TV,he did not notice me come into the room.‎ ‎4.We must see to that all people are equal before the law.‎ ‎5.While most of us have met him,we are not too familiar to him.‎ ‎6.The young lady rushed into the room immediate she heard the noise.‎ ‎7.We should attach importance for the use of the verbs when we learn a foreign language.‎ ‎8.He requested us not smoke in the restaurant.‎ ‎9.Where can I exchange my American money with foreign money?‎ ‎10.All the workers belonged to the factory must obey the rule.‎ 答案 1.live→living 2.are→is 3.Absorbing→Absorbed 4.to后加it 5.to→with 6.immediate→immediately 7.for→to 8.not后加to 9.with→for ‎10.belonged→belonging Ⅲ.课文缩写语法填空 Dear Aunt Mei,‎ How time flies! It has been 6 months 1.________ I came here.I owe you an apology for not writing to you more often.I’ve been busy studying and trying 2.________(absorb) all the new things around me,for I’m still experiencing culture shock.I’m glad you will visit me soon and I’ll tell you something about London.It is an international city 3.________ there are many international restaurants and there is at least one Chinese restaurant in almost every town.You have to get used 4.________ the tipping system here.I suggest 5.________ (leave) 10% of the bill for the waiter or waitress.You can get some traveller’s cheques as it is easy 6.________(exchange)‎ ‎ them at banks or hotels.‎ I think we should consider staying in the English countryside for a few nights 7.________ as to enjoy hiking and taste some mushrooms.Don’t forget to bring a warm coat for 8.________ can get pretty cold and foggy here.‎ One last thing,don’t worry about how to get along 9.________ the people here because the majority of them 10.______ (be) quite friendly.‎ I am looking forward to your visit!‎ Love Xiaojin 答案 1.since 2.to absorb 3.where 4.to 5.leaving 6.to exchange 7.so 8.it ‎ ‎9.with 10.are Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子 ‎1.上次去美国时我有一次难忘的经历。(the last time)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.由于我英语不好,我不知道如何乘出租车。(owing to;have difficulty in doing)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.有一位热心的妇女让我搭了个便车。(give sb a lift)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.她告诉我如何乘车、如何问路。(连接副词+不定式)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.我很感激她的帮助,意识到学好英语可以帮助我们跟外国人沟通和交流思想。(communicate with;exchange) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.I had an unforgettable experience the last time I went to America.‎ ‎2.Owing to my poor English,I had difficulty in taking a taxi.‎ ‎3.A warm-hearted woman gave me a lift.‎ ‎4.She told me how to take a taxi and how to ask for ways.‎ ‎5.I really appreciated her help and realized it’s of great help to learn English well and it can help us communicate with foreigners and exchange ideas.‎ 二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ I had an unforgettable experience the last time I went to America.Owing to my poor English,I had difficulty in taking a taxi.Luckily,a warm-hearted woman gave me a lift.Besides,she told me how to take a taxi and how to ask for ways.I really appreciated her help and realized it’s of great help to learn English well,which can help us communicate with foreigners and exchange ideas.‎ 课下作业 A卷 阅读提速练(限时20′)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Samuel Pepys Brings History Back to Life National Maritime Museum ‖ Address:Park Row, Greenwich, London ‖ Until: August 28‎ Pepys was the diarist (日记作者) who helped us understand some of the most troublesome times in British history.This exhibition, with 200 paintings and objects, brings that history back to life.‎ ChamPagne Life Saatchi Gallery ‖ Address: Duke of York’s HQ, King’s Road, London ‖ Until:March 9‎ Charles Saatchi’s first exhibition devoted to women artists shows sculptures and paintings from talented artists.‎ Europe 1600-1785, seven new galleries British Museum ‖ Address: Cromwell Road, London Until: July 14‎ Over 1,100 wonderful objects from the collections of 17th and 18th century art—including paintings, furniture and books—are now on show in seven galleries.One of Britain’s best museums just got better.‎ Modern Scottish Women: Painters and Sculptors 1885-1965‎ Scottish National Gallery ‖ Address: 75 Belford Road, Edinburgh ‖ Until:June 26‎ An exhibition shows the rise of female artists in the years between Fra Newbury becoming Director of Glasgow School of Art and Anne Redpath’s death in 1965.‎ Michael Craig-Martin:Transience Serpentine ‖ Address: Kensington Gardens, London ‖ Until: February 14‎ This exhibition shows why Michael Craig-Martin—known for his large, graphic (生动的) paintings of daily objects—was one of the most popular artists of his time.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是应用文,题材为社会文化类。文章主要介绍了几个艺术展览的时间、地点及主题。‎ ‎1.If you want to visit a gallery/museum on July 15th, you should go to________.‎ A.Saatchi Gallery B.British Museum C.National Maritime Museum D.Scottish National Gallery 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一个展览的相关信息National Maritime Museum ‖ Address:Park Row,Greenwich,London ‖ Until:August 28可知,如果你想在7月15日去艺术馆或博物馆参观的话,只能选择National Maritime Museum,那里的展览一直持续到8月28日。]‎ ‎2.What do we know about Europe 1600-1785 according to the text?‎ A.Not all collections are shown in galleries.‎ B.It helps visitors learn about British Museum.‎ C.The objects on show range widely.‎ D.The main theme of it is about daily life.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据Europe 1600-1785展览的相关信息Over 1,100 wonderful objects from the collections of 17th and 18th century art—including paintings, furniture and books可知,Europe 1600-1785展览的物件琳琅满目。]‎ ‎3.Who is famous for drawing everyday objects?‎ A.Charles Saatchi. B.Fra Newbury.‎ C.Samuel Pepys. D.Michael Craig-Martin.‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。根据最后一个展览的相关信息Michael Craig-Martin—known for his large, graphic paintings of daily objects可知D项正确。]‎ B Several months ago, I attended the opening event for a new children’s literacy (读写能力) campaign at the Burbank Library in California.The campaign is called Marvel Comics Close-Up, aimed at using comic books to encourage kids to read.Disney and Marvel donated 210,000 books to libraries and schools across the country.‎ Stars from Disney XD participated.They read Spider-Man comic books to 70 kids from Boys & Girls Clubs in southern California.The stars included Drake Bell (Ultimate Spider-Man), Dylan Riley Snyder (Kickin’ It), Olivia Holt (Kickin’ It) and Cole Jenson (Crash & Bernstein).‎ Drake Bell said that the Marvel reading campaign is aimed at kids who are bored with books, believing comic books are the answer for kids who say they’d rather play video games.“Comic books really get you into the story,” he told TFK (Time For Kids).“They are not just words or pictures on a page.”‎ Dylan Riley Snyder knows from his experiences that comic books have the power to inspire kids’ imagination.His mom was a teacher and she used comic books to interest students who thought they weren’t interested in reading.Dylan attended these classes.He would read the comic books and draw the characters along with the students.“It was a great way for these kids to start to enjoy reading,” Dylan said.“That’s how I got interested in reading too.Now I can share my love for comic books with others through the Marvel Comics Close-Up program.”‎ David Levine is the Vice President of Disney XD Worldwide.He said great stories and great characters, like Spider-Man and The Avengers, were key to making reading fun.“Reading can encourage you to explore new things and take you to all sorts of exciting places,” he told TFK.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 ‎ 文章讲述了美国的一家漫画公司举办的一项读书活动,其目的是通过连环画激发学生的读书积极性。‎ ‎4.What is the main purpose of the Marvel reading campaign?‎ A.To donate books to libraries and schools.‎ B.To encourage students to use the library.‎ C.To excite children’s interest in reading.‎ D.To introduce some new comic books.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段“The campaign is called Marvel Comics Close-Up, aimed at using comic books to encourage kids to read.”可知,这项活动旨在激发孩子们的读书兴趣。]‎ ‎5.By saying “They are not just words or pictures on a page” in Paragraph 3, Drake Bell means________.‎ A.comic books make kids imaginative and interested B.there are colorful pictures in most comic books C.common books with only words are bad for kids D.comic books are much better than common books 答案 A [推理判断题。根据Drake Bell的话“Comic books really get you into the story”可推知,此话的言外之意是:阅读连环画图书可以激发孩子的兴趣和想象力。]‎ ‎6.How did Dylan get interested in reading?‎ A.By listening to his mother’s stories.‎ B.By reading comic books in his mother’s class.‎ C.By participating in activities of Boys & Girls Clubs.‎ D.By working for the Marvel Comics Close-Upprogram.‎ 答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段“Dylan attended these classes.He would read the comic books and draw the characters along with the students....That’s how I got interested in reading too.”可知Dylan在他母亲的课堂上阅读连环画图书,培养了自己的阅读兴趣。]‎ ‎7.Who stressed the benefit of reading?‎ A.Drake Bell. B.Dylan Riley Snyder.‎ C.Olivia Holt. D.David Levine.‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。根据最后一段David Levine的话“Reading can encourage you to explore new things and take you to all sorts of exciting places”可知,他强调了阅读的益处。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Benefits of Sports Playing sports offers a lot of benefits to people.__1__Read on to discover how taking part in sports can improve your life.‎ A great benefit of sports is that it assists in increasing a person’s general physical health.Sports improve cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness while controlling your weight.__2__This is because sports can reduce body fat, build your muscles and strengthen bones.It also improves balance, coordination (协调性) and flexibility.‎ A healthy body means that the mind is also healthy.Actually, improving in any type of sports directly relates to a mental improvement.Sports can help you to focus and develop important skills in problem-solving.It also teaches people how to manage time and achieve goals.__3__‎ ‎__4__Sports provide you with a great chance to be part of a team.In a game, you have to communicate with other teammates and create a plan for success.Since you are going to rely on the new members of your team, it is likely that you will make new friends.‎ ‎__5__Sports teach people to feel peaceful and relaxed in very demanding situations.People who regularly play sports can deal with stressful situations better.‎ A.Sports may assist in learning communication.‎ B.Moreover, it builds confidence through both success and failure.‎ C.Playing sports can help you to discover your special athletic talent.‎ D.Playing any type of sports is a good way of relieving tension and stress.‎ E.In fact, sports usually help people physically, mentally and also socially.‎ F.Playing sports outdoor is more enjoyable than working out in the gym.‎ G.In addition, regularly playing sports can assist in improving your appearance.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了运动的好处。‎ ‎1.E [本选项承接上一句说明运动在很多方面对人们都有好处,与文章的二、三、四段相对应,是对运动带来好处的总体介绍,故选E。]‎ ‎2.G [本段从三方面介绍了运动对于身体健康的益处,本选项接着前一句介绍运动有助于提升个人形象,下一句还解释了原因,故选G。]‎ ‎3.B [本段说明了运动对于心智和精神方面的益处,本选项中提到的自信心属于心智和精神范畴,故选B。]‎ ‎4.A [根据本段中提到的team,communicate和make new friends可知,本段主要说明了运动有助于学习交际,故选A。]‎ ‎5.D [根据本空后内容可知,本段主要讲运动是一种释放紧张和压力的好方式,故选D。]‎ B卷 Ⅱ卷规范练(限时45′)‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Salem in the state of Massachusetts is called the “Witch (女巫) City”, but don’t be afraid. There aren’t women __1__(wear) pointy black hats riding around on brooms. The city is called the Witch City because of a set of trials that happened there between 192 and 193. At the time, the city was just __2__town in the British colony (殖民地) of Massachusetts. The Salem Witch Trials accused more than 200 people __3__being witches. Among the accused were women, men, and even children. Nineteen people __4__(sentence) to death. However, there was no proof that any of those accused were __5__(real) witches at all.‎ The Salem Witch Trials have become a part of the city’s history. The city is not ashamed of its past, but rather uses it __6__(teach) tolerance (宽容) and earn some tourist dollars. There is a memorial in honour of the innocent people __7__died because of the witch-hunts. There is a “Witch Museum” that tells the story of __8__happened. Many people visit Salem around Halloween. A local public school is __9__(know) as the Witchcraft Heights Elementary School, and the Salem High ‎ School sports teams are named the Witches. Films and television __10__(show) featuring fictional witches have been made in Salem.‎ 答案 1.wearing [考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。women后跟后置定语,因women与wear之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且wear表示的是正在进行的动作,故填wearing。]‎ ‎2.a [考查不定冠词。town为可数名词,且在此表泛指,故填a。设空处所在句意为“那时,这座城市只是马萨诸塞英属殖民地的一座小镇。”]‎ ‎3.of [考查介词。accuse sb of...意为“因……指控某人”。]‎ ‎4.were sentenced [考查一般过去时的被动语态。sentence所表示的动作发生在过去,且people与sentence之间是被动关系,故填were sentenced。]‎ ‎5.really [考查副词。设空处修饰系动词,故填really。]‎ ‎6.to teach [考查不定式作状语的用法。city与teach之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处表目的,故填to teach。]‎ ‎7.who/that [考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰people,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。]‎ ‎8.what [考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语且指代事物,故填what。]‎ ‎9.known [考查过去分词作表语的用法。be known as意为“被称为”。]‎ ‎10.shows [考查名词。and连接并列成分,且由Films可知设空处需填名词的复数形式,故填shows。]‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 I love my father, yet I cannot remember my father age or when his birthday is, and only know what he does for living.My father works longer hours and he only has three days off from every month.I have never fought with my father.On fact, we hardly ever have some times to have a talk.When I try to talk to my father, she only gives short answers because he is too tired to speaking.I know my father works hard to give me a good life, and sometimes I feel unhappy.I have discussed it with my father and he promised to spend more time with the family.‎ 答案 ‎ I love my father, yet I cannot remember my age or when his birthday is, and only know what he does for living.My father works hours and he only has three days off every month.I have never fought with my father. fact, we hardly ever have some to have a talk.When I try to talk to my father, only gives short answers because he is too tired to .I know my father works hard to give me a good life, sometimes I feel unhappy.I have discussed it with my father and he to spend more time with the family.‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 中国的家长大都“望子成龙”,而厦门大学的易中天教授则认为,父母应该“望子成人”,并提出了成人的标准——真实、善良、健康、快乐。请用英语写一篇短文发表在某英文论坛上,表明你对此问题的看法,并说明理由。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.短文须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥。‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ In China nearly all parents expect their children to become a “dragon”—a successful person.However, Yi Zhongtian, a professor from Xiamen University, says no to this traditional culture.He believes parents should expect their children to become a person who is true, kind, healthy and happy.‎ I totally agree with Professor Yi’s idea.To be a real person is more important than to be a so-called dragon.‎ Being true can make things simple.A kind heart can bring smiles and friendship to us.Physical and mental health is the base for living at our best.Finally, success doesn’t guarantee us happiness, while being happy is a kind of success.‎

