人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 3 第五课时(2c-3b)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 3 第五课时(2c-3b)

Section B 第五课时 (2c-3b) Are you a polite student? How can we be polite? Don’t jump the queue. Offer the seat to the old. Can you say anything else about polite behavior? 2c According to Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith, what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores? Pros Cons Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence. Housework is a waste of children’s time. Doing chores helps children understand the idea of fairness. Parents should provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. I. 完成句子,每空词数不限。 1. Ms. Miller thinks children should spend their time on schoolwork in order to _________________________________ ____________. 2. Mr. Smith thinks these days children depend on _______________________. Read the letters again and finish the following tasks. get good grades and get into a good university their parents too much II. 判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )3. Ms. Miller thinks doing chores is not difficult. ( )4. Mr. Smith’s neighbors’ son looked after himself well during his first year in the college. T F 2d Write one sentence with each phrase from the letters. 1. a waste of time It’s a waste of time to water the garden when it is raining. 2. there is no need for … to There is no need for you to go to the town. 2d 3. do not mind I do not mind sweeping the floor. 4. spend time on I spent half of an hour on my homework. 5. in order to He worked very hard in order to get the job. 2d 6. it is not enough to It is not enough to clean up the parks. 7. the earlier … the better The earlier you give up smoking, the better it is for your health. 2e Discuss the questions with a partner. 1. Which letter do you agree with? Why? 2. What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you don't agree with? 3a Do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes. Children should do chores because… Children should not do chores because… 3b Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion. Dear Sir or Madam, I think /believe that __________________. I agree/disagree that __________________. I think it is fair/unfair for children to ___________________________________. I think children should/should not ___________________________________. 3b because __________________________. For example, they should/ should not ________________________ because __________________________. Yours truly, __________ 1. 信头:发信人地址和日期。 有时可省去发信人地址,但一般要写日期。放在 信纸的右上方。 2. 称呼:对收信人的尊称。 常用Dear,后用名字,而Mr,Mrs,Miss后不能 单独用名字,而是姓或姓与名,如:John Smith 的称呼,是Mr. Smith,Mr. John Smith或 Dear John。称呼后用逗号。 3. 正文。 写作指导 4. 结尾:发信人对收信人的谦称或敬语。放 在信的右下方。要特别注意英语习惯,不可根 据汉语意思写“此致敬礼”、“祝您健康”之 类的中国式的结尾语。 写给同龄人或年长的朋友:Yours sincerely, Yours等等。 写给亲朋好友:Love,Best wishes等等。 5. 签名:一般在结尾语的下面一行。 常见的私人信件的开头方式: 高兴:I was so glad/pleased/happy to receive your letter. 感谢:Thank you for your wonderful gift / your interesting letter. 关心与询问:How are you these days?/ How are you getting on these days?/ How are you getting on with your work/studies? 抱歉:I am sorry that I did not write to you sooner but I have been very busy these days. 一般在表示道歉没有及时给对方写信 时,还要简述原因或写上安慰的话。 遗憾:I was sorry to learn that you did not do well in the examination. / I was so upset to hear that you are ill these days. I do hope you are getting better.

