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Section A (2a-2d) ‎ ‎1.重点单词:yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,pot,add,finally,salt ‎2.重点短语:another ten minutes,one more thing ‎3.重点句式:How many bananas do we need?‎ ‎—How much yogurt do we need?‎ ‎—We need one cup of yogurt.‎ I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.‎ Don't forget to add some salt.‎ ‎1.How many和How much对可数名词与不可数名词的数量进行提问 ‎2.学会用first,next,then,after that,finally描述程序 学会用first,next,then,after that,finally描述程序 一、预习课本P58新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。‎ ‎1.酸奶____________   2.蜂蜜____________‎ ‎3.西瓜____________ 4.勺____________‎ ‎5.锅____________ 6.增加____________‎ ‎7.最后____________ 8.食盐____________‎ 二、认真预习2a-2d,找出下列短语和句型。‎ ‎1.再有十分钟____________________‎ ‎2.还有一件事____________________‎ ‎3.我们需要多少香蕉?________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.—我们需要多少酸奶?—我们需要一杯酸奶。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.我想为星期六的聚会做罗宋汤。________________________________________________________________________‎ Step 1 情景导入 Teacher:We have learned how to make a banana milk shake.I believe we all know how to make it.Who can tell me how to make a banana milk shake?‎ ‎(Ask some students to describe how to make a banana milk shake.)‎ Today I will teach you how to make Russian soup——a kind of delicious soup.Then you can make it for your parents.Let them taste the delicious soup.Do you like to learn it?‎ Students:Yes.‎ Teacher:OK.Let's learn how to make Russian soup together.‎ 环节说明:这个环节既让学生复习了上节课学到的知识,又引出了本节课的学习内容,一举两得。‎ Step 2 完成教材2a—2c的任务 3‎ ‎1.大声朗读2a图片中的单词并两人一组互相背诵单词。(3分钟)‎ ‎2.认真听录音,按要求填写2a表格,小组内核对答案并且讨论how many和how much的用法区别。(5分钟)‎ ‎3.再听一遍录音,在每种材料的下面写出所需要的数量,集体核对答案,完成2b。(3分钟)‎ ‎4.再听一遍录音,并跟读以整体感知对话内容。 (3分钟)‎ ‎5.根据2b中的听力信息,两人一组练习对话怎样制作水果沙拉,邀请几组学生展示对话内容。‎ 参考案例 A:Let's make fruit salad.‎ B:OK,good idea.How much yogurt do we need?‎ A:One cup.‎ B:How many apples do we need?‎ A:Let me think...We need two apples.‎ B:OK,and how much…‎ ‎6.小结训练。(4分钟)‎ 用how many,how much填空。‎ ‎1)How_much yogurt do we need?‎ ‎2)How_many apples do we need?‎ ‎3)How_much water does he need?‎ ‎4)How_much salt does she want?‎ ‎5)How_many watermelons do they have?‎ 对画线部分提问。‎ ‎6)We need two spoons of honey.‎ How_many spoons of honey do you need?‎ ‎7)We need two_spoons_of honey.‎ How_much honey do you need?‎ 环节说明:本环节的学习锻炼了学生的听力和口语能力,小结训练更是巩固练习了how many和how much的用法。‎ Step 3 完成教材2d的任务 ‎1.认真阅读2d对话,然后回答下列问题:‎ ‎1)Does Anna have a party on Saturday?‎ ‎2)How many ingredients do we need if we make Russian soup?‎ ‎3)How long does it take to make Russian soup?‎ ‎4)When do we add the salt when making Russian soup?‎ ‎2.学生自读2d对话,然后结对练习对话,并请几组学生来表演该对话。‎ ‎3.小结训练。‎ ‎(D)1.________ do we need?‎ A.How many yogurt B.How much cup of yogurt C.How many yogurts D.How many cups of yogurt ‎(B)2.How many ________ do you want?‎ A.spoon of salt    B.spoons of salt 3‎ C.spoons of salts D.spoon of salts ‎(D)3.We walked a long way,________ we got there.‎ A.first   B.next   C.then  D.finally ‎(A)4.Please ________ the ingredients to the noodles.‎ A.add B.coffee C.cut D.pour ‎(C)5.Today is Jim's tenth birthday.There are eight candles,so we still need ________.‎ A.two another candles B.more two candles C.two more candles D.another two candle 环节说明:本环节的学习不仅让学生知道了罗宋汤的做法,更重要的是让学生掌握了用first,next,then,after that,finally描述事物的程序。‎ Step 4 问题探究 ‎1.first,...then,...after_that,...finally,...首先,……然后,……接着,……最后,……这是英语中表达做某事的步骤的一种说法。通常你会听到英语国家的人在说first,next,then,finally和后面的内容时,他们会做一些停顿,这样就能提前告诉听者接下来讲的是一系列的步骤。这一点在朗读和听力中应特别注意。‎ ‎2.1)一块面包a_piece_of_bread ‎2)两杯水two_glasses_of_water 在不可数名词前可加much、little、some、lots_of等词修饰,还可以用“数量词+of+不可数名词”来表示不可数名词的数量。其中数量词可以用单数,也可以用复数。‎ ‎( )3.If you add 4 ________3,you will get 7.‎ A.on B.to C.at D.for 答案选择B,add...to...意为“把……加到……上”。‎ 请学生们做前面课时训练部分。‎ 3‎

